Latvia,; Latvian: Latvija, officially the Republic of Latvia, is a country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe, one of the three Baltic states. Students are easily moving into different career sectors.
State universities (Valsts universitātes)
- University of Daugavpils
- Latvia University of Agriculture
- Riga Stradiņš University (formerly Medical Academy of Latvia)
- Riga Technical University
- University of Latvia
- University of Liepāja (formerly Liepāja Pedagogical Higher School)
State colleges (Valsts augstskolas)
- Latvian Academy of Art
- BA School of Business and Finance (formerly the Banking College under the Bank of Latvia)
- Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music (formerly the Latvian Conservatory)
- Latvian Academy of Culture (lv)
- Latvian Academy of Sport Education (lv)
- Latvian Maritime Academy (lv)
- National Defence Academy of Latvia (lv)
- Rezekne Academy of Technology (lv)
- Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy (lv) (merged into University of Latvia from 2017)
- Ventspils University College
- Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences
Non-university type colleges (Neuniversitātes tipa augstskolas)
- Baltic International Academy (including the Baltic Psychology and Management College)
- College of Economics and Culture (lv)
- International School of Practical Psychology (lv)
- ISMA University
- Latvian Christian Academy
- Luther Academy
- Riga Aeronautical Institute
- Riga Graduate School of Law (RGSL)
- Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration
- School of Social Technologies
- Stockholm School of Economics in Riga
- Transport and Telecommunication Institute
- Turiba University
Vocational schools and colleges
State colleges (Valsts koledžas)
- Daugavpils Medical College (lv)
- Fire Safety and Civil Defence College
- Jēkabpils Agribusiness College
- Latvian Cultural College at the Latvian Academy of Culture
- Liepāja Maritime College
- Malnava College (lv)
- Olaine Mechanics and Technology College
- Red Cross Medical College at Riga Stradiņš University (lv)
- Riga 1st Medical College (lv)
- Riga Building College
- Riga Business College at the BA School of Business and Finance
- Riga Medical College at the University of Latvia (lv)
- Riga Technical College
- State Agency for Social Integration College
- State Border Guard College
- State Police College (lv)
- Stradiņš Medical College at the University of Latvia (lv)
Colleges established with legal personality (Juridisko personu dibinātās koledžas)
- Albert College
- Christian Leadership College
- College of Accounting and Finance
- College of Business Administration (lv)
- College of Law
- Cosmetology College
- Latvian College of Business (lv)
- Novikontas Maritime College
Foreign university affiliates (Ārvalstu augstskolu filiāles)
- Newport University CED, Latvia, affiliated with the Tomsk State University
- Riga Higher Institute of Religious Sciences, under the Pontifical Lateran University
- Riga Institute of Theology, under the Pontifical Lateran University
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